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Think & Drink

Speaker: Ryan Howell
Date: Thursday • September 14th • 6:30p

Title: Think & Drink – Restoring Urban Wilderness: Ecological and Habitat Improvements at Turkey Mtn

Turkey Mountain was once part of an expansive, unique ecoregion known as the Cross Timbers, where frequent disturbance by fire and buffalo grazing helped maintain a delicate equilibrium between competing ecological forces and created a patchwork of landscapes. Ecologically, the site is now a remnant. It has been fragmented by urban development and bounded by highways, railroad tracks, and channelized waterways, all of which isolate it from the larger forces of disturbance that formerly kept it healthy. Preserving Turkey Mountain means honoring the character of its native Cross Timbers landscape. Since the health of that landscape depends on forces of disturbance, predominantly fire, active management is necessary to restore Turkey Mountain’s ecology. Eradicating invasive species and reintroducing fire to the site through a regime of prescribed burn management will effectively turn back time, opening a window into what this region of Oklahoma looked like prior to its degradation. River Parks Project Manager, Ryan Howell, joins us to discuss this process, provide an update on what has been accomplished thus far, and what the future holds for Turkey Mtn. There will be a special guest introduction from Katie Gillies, Director of Conservation from The Nature Conservancy.

Think & Drink is like a TED Talk, but enhanced with alcohol. Each month, someone with a deep understanding of a specific STEM field will provide insight into their field, research, or related topic. Presentations are informal and discussion is encouraged.

Presented by The STEMcell Science Shop.

Think & Drink nights are every 2nd Thursday from 6:30-8:30 at Heirloom Rustic Ales on Kendall Whittier Main Street.


Cover Image: The Vistas of Pluto: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI

Earlier Event: September 13
ONE AUX event
Later Event: September 16
Food: Killer Wail BBQ